Saturday 16 May 2009

Goodbye Nappy Valley?

Everyone has been helpfully reminding me that I will need to find a new name for the blog once I am living in the US.

Well, that much is obvious. The blog was named after the area in which (oh, OK, near which) I live in London. It simply wouldn't make sense in Long Island, NY. Heck, they don't even have nappies in America, they have diapers.

In fact, the name I originally thought of changing to was Diaper Island, but, as someone pointed out to me recently, it does sound a bit like you're swimming in a pile of shit, or living on some kind of sewage heap.

I have thought of other, New York based options - Englishwoman in New York, Nappies and the City, etc. But we won't actually be living in the City, so this might give the wrong impression. It doesn't help that some of the really good expat names are already taken (thank you, Not wrong just different, Mom/Mum and Expat Mum).

Now I have decided to rename the blog once I get out there. After all, until we settle in, I will have no idea exactly where we will be living (we are finding a house once we get there) and what my life will really be like.

I will, of course, be open to suggestions from the blogosphere and we could even have a vote.

But for now, although I've already said Goodbye to Nappy Valley (the place), I'm going to keep the Nappy Valley blog going just for the moment, just in a kind of foreign correspondent manner. (Actually, Foreign Correspondence is quite a good name. Maybe I'll bear it in mind). Hopefully, the next time you hear from me I will be blogging from Brooklyn.

Au revoir......


Expat mum said...

Wow - it's here. Your move. I am expecting you to bombard us with ex-patty questions once you get out here.
I'm sure you'll come up with something very creative, but Expat Nappy sprang to mind immediately for me.

Paradise Lost In Translation said...

Look forward to reading 'New Blog, New Blog' whatever you decdide to call it!

Iota said...

How exciting! Good luck!

As for names, building on Expat Mum's suggestion, what about The Ex-Patty Diaries (apologies to Potty Mummy).

I like your 'Foreign Correspondence' idea too. How about 'Four in Correspondence' - since there are four of you?

And I like Paradise's 'New Blog, New Blog' too.

I've always wanted to see something clever done with the fact that 'diaper' is 'repaid' backwards - could you work on that?

Looking forward to catching up with you on this side of the Pond.

Annabel said...

I think you should keep the name! Not because I'm biased (I am) but because I think you've built up such an amazing following and Nappy Valley Girl has become your brand!


Mutter said...

I'm going to be facing the same problem in a matter of weeks. Does one rename and carry on or redirect and start again? To me you are and always will be Nappy Valley Girl. Couldn't you name it Nappy Valley meets Long Island?

Potty Mummy said...

Best of luck!

TheOnlineStylist said...

Ah Good Luck NV Girl!! Hope it all goes well for you and your family and look forward to hearing all about the move! I read with interest your plans to change blog names as I am about to do the same. Nv in Ny perhaps? Whatever you choose, I'll be reading! Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

Good luck! Do let us know what you decide - I'd hate to miss you and your new Super Sized Blog!

Mel said...

Good luck with your move, hope it all goes smoothly and look forward to hearing your new title!

Maternal Tales said...

Yeah - definitely think you should try to keep the name as much as possible. Nappy Valley goes Stateside? Nappy Valley relocates? Still Nappy Valley at heart. No longer Nappy Valley. Nappy Valley over and out....endless possibilities!! Good luck with the move...

Cassandra said...

I feel very strongly about this. DO NOT change the name! It is brilliant. Just replace the sub-heading - from "surviving parenthood..." to "in the US aiiiiiiiiii" or something. You'll still be the same girl and your take on all things American will be fascinating. And Jeez, haven't you got enough change going on in your life? Leave the title and trate yourself to the consolation of continuity! You know I'm right...Cx

Cassandra said...

How on Earth did I manage to spell "treat" so wrongly?! SOZZA x